CyberStore Oasis Documentation
The Populate Price Cache Operation

The price cache stores data from slow performing SYSPRO price queries in order to improve performance when item price data is needed on the front-end. To prepare the price cache with the current SYSPRO price data, you have the ability to schedule and run the BuildPricingCache operation.

The BuildPricingCache operation runs without agent parameters will cause the cache operation to be limited in scope to include prices only for the Default Customer for the Site specified. 

However, it can be run with parameter input types of 'Customers' or'Classes' to limit or group certain price data to be cached.  Valid arguments for the parameter type 'Customers' are customer numbers with or without prefixed zeroes or the word 'Default' to use the site's default customer number. Valid arguments for the parameter type 'Classes' are class Names (e.g. Consumer) 

A BuildPriceCache operation run with agent parameters will only query SYSPRO for the customers listed by 'Customers' and/or the customer within the classes listed by 'Classes'.

Below is an example parameter set in the Settings tab to run for the Default Customers and two specific Classes:



When using the Populate Price Cache operation to update data in the Price Cache, release versions of the software will intentionally not log individual errors during the operation to the CyberStore Event Log, however if an instance of the CyberStore is running a DEBUG version of the code, it will log all errors encountered during the operation to the Event Log.

See Also

User's Guide
