CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Pricing Configuration in Console
In This Topic

Settings for Pricing Labels in Console for Site and Customer Class (#8254)

Pricing labels can now be managed in the CyberStore Console at the Site and Customer Class level. 

Within the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration screen, on the Price Settings tab there are now fields for setting Site level default labels for each type of pricing displayed by a PricingControl.

Default values for each of the labels are as follows: 

Price settings within a Customer Class have been moved to the Settings tab within the Customers > Customer Class > Customer Maintenance screen. Along with the ability to select Price Display options, you will now find the ability to create unique pricing labels for each Customer Class.

Default values for the Customer Class pricing label options are all "", or blank text. 

Processing will use the Site Manager settings by default, which will be overridden when set at the Customer Class level with values that are not blank, which in turn will be overridden by any non-blank values set using DefaultPriceLabelText, CustomerPriceLabelText, DiscountPriceLabelText, WebPriceLabelText, SavingsMessageLabelText, SavingsMessage or OnSaleGraphicPath properties of any PricingControl.


Add ability to show only Default Price in Customer Class price settings (#9889)

We have added an option to the list of available Price Display Options in the Settings tab of the Customers > Customer Class Maintenance screen to allow for the display of Default Price only. In addition, we have renamed the existing options to better reflect current price terminology.

The following changes have been made to the Price Display Options:

New Option Wording Previous Option Wording Behavior
"Show Only Default Price" N/A Default Price will show. Customer and Discount pricing will be hidden.
"Show Only Customer Pricing" "Show Customer Price" Customer and Discount pricing will show. Default price is hidden.
"Show Both Default and Customer Pricing" "Show List and Customer Price" The Default, Customer and Discount pricing will show whenever the Default Price is more than the Customer Price. If the Default Price is less than or equal to the Customer Price, then the Default price is hidden.
"Shopper Can Show/Hide Only Their Pricing" "User Can Show/Hide Their Price" The Shopper can decide whether to show no pricing or only their Customer and Discount Pricing by selection using the CustomerHideShowPriceControl.
"Show Both Default and User Can Show/Hide Their Pricing" "Show List and User Can Show/Hide Their Price" Default price will always display, but the logged in Shopper can choose to show or hide their Customer and Discount Pricing by selection using the CustomerHideShowPriceControl.
"Hide All Pricing" "Hide All Pricing" No pricing is shown.

Universal Pricing Rules:


See Also


Site Manager
