CyberStore Oasis Documentation
UnlimitedAvailableMessage Property (CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl)

Dovetail.Ecommerce.Controls Namespace > CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl Class : UnlimitedAvailableMessage Property
Message to display when an Item is Available and set as Unlimited.

Property Value

Type: String

A string value that specifies the message to display when an Item is Unlimited and Available.

The default is "".


The UnlimitedAvailableMessage text will be displayed when the EnableOnHandQuantityDisplay property is set to true, the Item's "Limit item to available inventory" box is unchecked in Item Maintenance in the "Options" tab, and the value of the Item's quantity is greater than, or equal to 1.


Use the Replacement Tags [QTY] and [UOM] within your messages to display the inventory quantity (determined using the On Hand Quantity Basis as setup in the Management Console in Site ManagerCatalog Configuration), and the unit of measure.

For example: "[QTY] [UOM] In Stock" might render as "1,234 EA In Stock" using the unallocated quantity as a basis.

Alternatively, a fixed message text could also be used which would not present actual inventory quantity.

For example: "Out of Stock".


Additional Reading:

See the Calculating Item Inventory Quantity topic for information about how CyberStore determines inventory quantity for an Item.


The UnlimitedAvailableMessage property receives its default value from the Site's Unlimited Available Message set in Site Manager in the "Catalog Configuration" tab unless the Item's Unlimited Available Message is set in Item Maintenance in the "Messages" tab, and the Item's "Use Custom On Hand Message" checkbox is checked in which case the Item's message will set the default value.

Implementation Note:

When the value of this property is set for a control in the SitePages.config file, both the default Site and Item settings are ignored. Likewise, if the property is set in a control property directly (or by a custom control designed to override CyberStore's default processing), the Site, Item and SitePages.config settings will all be ignored.




See Also


CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl Class
CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl Members
LimitedAvailableMessage Property
LimitedUnavailableMessage Property
UnlimitedUnavailableMessage Property
EnableOnHandQuantityDisplay Property

Items and Categories

Item Maintenance

Site Manager

Catalog Configuration