CyberStore Documentation
Item Maintenance
User's Guide > The Management Console > Items Menu Overview > Item and Category Maintenance > Item Maintenance
In This Topic

The "Item Maintenance" grid allows you to add and maintain the Items in your catalog and the information about them.

You can access the grid in the Console menu by going to Items > Item and Category Maintenance


When the application has loaded, the "Item Maintenance" grid appears on the right side of the screen.



The Maintenance grid offers the following functions:

After you select the Add or Edit button on the grid, the grid's maintenance pop-up appears. Then you can add or edit specific information. After you select the Delete button, the Console asks you to confirm the deletion, and once confirmed permanently deletes the row.

A right-click Context Menu provides functions available for indivdual rows, one at a time.


Simply right-click on a row, then pick from the list of available options for the grid, and the selected action will be performed just on that row.

The "Item Maintenance" grid also provides the data export functionality when you click the Export Current View button. Doing so will download key Item data from CyberStore to an Excel file.

Downloaded Item data files include columns containing the following data in the export file:

Item Data Field Header Text in Export File
Stock Code StockCode
Friendly Stock Code FriendlyStockCode
Description Name
Friendly Name FriendlyName
Headline Headline
Short Description ShortDescription
Long Description LongDescription
Sub Headline    SubHeadline
Title Title
Meta Keywords MetaKeywords
Meta Description MetaDescription

The following is an example of the generated grid view export for Item data.

Maintaining Item Data

Item Data Maintained in SYSPRO

The table below lists which CyberStore Item Master fields are used to store SYPSRO Data from an Item query:

CyberStore Item Field SYSPRO Item Query Node (//InvQuery/StockItem/...)
StockCode StockCode
Mass Mass
Volume Volume
Name Description
LongDescription2 LongDesc
TechnicalInformation Narrations/TechnicalInformation
Unit StockUom
AltUnit AlternateUom
PriceMethod PriceMethod
OtherUnit OtherUom
AltUnitConversion ConvFactAltUom
OtherUnitConversion ConvFactOthUom
AltUnitConversionFactor ConvMulDiv
OtherUnitConversionFactor MulDiv
UserField1 UserField1
UserField2 UserField2
UserField3 UserField3
UserField4 UserField4
UserField5 UserField5
WarehouseToUse WarehouseToUse
ProductClass ProductClass
KitType KitType
SerialMethod SerialMethod
TraceableType TraceableType
ListPrice SellingPrice
ListPriceUOM PriceBasis


Maintaining Item Data in CyberStore

When you click Add or Edit, the "Item Maintenance" pop-up appears. This pop-up contains information on Item stock codes and URLs in addition to the following tabs:

General SEO Pricing Options Messages

The tabs contain key information about each Item. Any changes modify how the Item is displayed on the website.

Important Note:

In order to Add a stock code into CyberStore as an Item, the stock code must be a stocked item in SYSPRO, and if the stock code is a defined as a kit in SYSPRO, it must be an S-Type kit. Stock codes that do not fit either of these requirements will not be able to be used by CyberStore.

Stock Code and URL Information

Above each tab within the pop-up, you may notice a field containing the Item's "Stock Code" as loaded from SYSPRO as well as the "Item URL Path."



Click the Edit button to ensure that the URL previously selected is valid. This strips the URL of any invalid characters and corrects incomplete code.



The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general Item information.



The General tab contains the following elements:

General Information
Description The name used to describe the Item. It contains the SYSPRO Name of a stock code, or a CyberStore Model name. It can only be edited for Models.
Long Description 2 A field used for Stock Codes and contains the Long Description from SYSPRO. It cannot be edited in CyberStore.
Item Type

An input area that allows you to identify whether the Item is a Stock Code, Model, or SKU. When you change the Item Type, a message pop-up appears.




Read the warning carefully before confirming the change. When you convert an Item from a Model, you automatically convert all of the Item's related SKUs to Stock Codes.

CyberStore first requires that you confirm this choice and select Save for this change to process.

Alternative Part Numbers

Part numbers that can be used synonymously with the stock code or model nubmer to reference the item.

When editing the list of Alternative Part Numbers in Item Maintenance, you can perfom the following:

  • Pasting a text string of comma-separated part numbers into the input area will load each part into it's own token (tag) box
  • Typing a series of part numbers in the box will load each part into its own token box whenever the user
    • types a comma and space, or
    • presses enter inside the box
  • Clicking the X inside a token box will remove the part number from the list

A drop-down that appears only when you identify the Item as a SKU in the "Item Type" menu.



You must select a pre-existing Model with which you want to associate the SKU.

Product Class The Product Class when the Item is also in SYSPRO. It cannot be edited in CyberStore.
Kit Type:
Kit type flag indicates whether, in Sales Orders, the stock item is sold using its bill of materials. Settings are as follows:
  • N - None indicates that the stock item is not to be treated as a kit type.
  • F - Finished type indicates that the stock item is a finished part. The cost, price and quantity is determined by the finished part, while components are treated as comment lines.
  • K - Kit type indicates that first level components from the bill of material are automatically received into stock when this stock item is received into stock. The cost, price and quantity is determined by the components and the finished part is treated as a comment line.
  • S - Sub type indicates that the price is determined by the finished part and the cost and quantity is determined by the components
Traceable Type:
Lot traceable flag indicates whether the stock item is traceable or not. Settings are as follows:
  • N - Non traceable indicates that the stock item is neither traceable nor requires inspection.
  • T - Traceable indicates that the item is traceable and also requires an inspection phase when processing a purchase order receipt for the item.
  • I - Inspection required indicates that an inspection phase is required when processing a purc
    Note: Stock items cannot be traceable if Lot Traceability is not installed or if it is flagged as one, or more, of the following: Temporary stock item (ClearingFlag = "T"), Kit type is "K" or "S" (KitType = K or S), Bulk issue or Floorstock (BulkIssueFlag = "Y" or "F").
Serial Method:

Serial tracking method flag indicates the serial tracking method to use for the stock item if serial tracking is installed. Settings are as follows:

  • N - No serial tracking.
  • M - Manual indicates that a unique serial number must be allocated against each individual item.
  • B - Batch indicates that a unique serial number is allocated to a batch of items.


Headline A more descriptive title for the Item in the online catalog.
Sub Headline A brief alternate description for the Item in the online catalog.
Short Description A short description of the Item. It is typically displayed in the Product Display Listings and Hot Buy sections of the online catalog.
Edit Long Description A tool to edit a long, detailed description of the Item. This description is displayed in the "Product Detail Display" and "Featured Items" sections of the online catalog.
Approved A checkbox that sets Items for display on the web. Items that are not approved do not appear in the online catalog.
Technical Information An editable text box for an items technical information to be displayed on the item's respective page.
Popularity Score

A checkbox that allows the user to set a popularity score for a specific item, higher score meaning more popular and lower score meaning less so.

For more information see: Add Popularity Score to Item Data

When you click the Select Categories button, the "Categories" pop-up appears, allowing you to select the Categories within which you want that Item to appear.



When you click the Edit Long Description button, the "Item Long Description HTML Editor" pops up, allowing you to make your changes.




Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The SEO Tab

Use the SEO tab to maintain Item details that affect Search Engine Optimization.



The SEO tab contains the following elements:

SEO Information

Allows you to specify a desired "Item Detail" page name as seen in the browser's title bar. This is also how the page name appears when listed in Internet Search Engine results.

<TITLE> Tags may include the following Replacement Tags to auto-populate dynamic text into your title:

Replacement Tag Description
[StockCode] Stock Code of an Item.
[Item_Name] Description of an Item.
[LongDescription2] Long Description 2 of an Item.
[Headline] Headline of an Item.
[SubHeadline] Sub Headline of an Item.
[Site_Name] Name of the Site.
[Company_Name] Licensed Company name.
<META> Keywords Allows you to enter important keywords that describe the Item. CyberStore inserts this information in a page's HTML as a <META> keyword code. They can be included in the default CyberStore list of search fields. Enter keywords as single words or multi-word phrases. To create individual entries, insert a comma or hit the Enter key between each word or phrase. Though input length is unlimited, it is best to limit your entry to 512 characters or less.
<META> Description Allows you to enter a short abstract that describes the Item. Insert this description as a <META> description code into a page's HTML. It is often included in Internet Search Engine results. Though input length is unlimited, it is best to limit your entry to 160 characters or less.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Pricing Tab

Use the Pricing tab to manage Item pricing and unit of measure options.



The Pricing tab contains the following elements:

Pricing Information
Pricing Source

Gives options for pricing an Item using SYSPRO. The default setting for the pricing of all Items is Standard SYSPRO Pricing. If you require an Item's price to be determined via the SYSPRO Trade Promotion Module, set this source to the Trade Promotion Management Pricing option.


Item Level Discounts

Allows you to set an additional CyberStore only pricing discount for an Item. You can apply a dollar or percentage based discount of any amount. When the discount is applied, it reduces the returned unit price from SYSPRO by the calculated amount of the discount.

To remove a discount previously configured, set its discount amount to 0.

Note Box

Implementer's Note:

Discounts can also be set at the category level, and when a discount is on a category and an item in that category, the discounts will be compounded based on configuration of the setting in Site Manager > Catalog Configuration screen's Pricing Settings tab.

When discounts are set to compound, the category discount is applied first, then the item discount is applied on top of the category discounted amount. If compounding is disabled, then the item discount will be used.


Clear Price Cache The Clear Price Cache for .... button will remove all cached pricing for the selected Item for all customers. Prices will then be re-cached per your site configuration as they are browsed on the front end of the site by your shoppers.
Available Units of Measure

Displays all uniquely defined units of measure for the Item as configured in SYSPRO. By default Site visitors can purchase Items in any unique unit of measure. To show a specific unit of measure check the corresponding checkbox, and conversely, to hide a specific unit of measure, uncheck the corresponding checkbox.

This section also allows you to check "Show" for the Relative UOM. When the Relative Unit differs from the Pricing Unit, the price per unit will be displayed. The Relative UOM includes both a label and a conversion formula accompanied by a conversion value and operation. By default, it is equivalent to the Stocking UOM.

List Price

A read-only textbox that displays the list price that is populated from uploaded item data to the Cyberstore console.

For more details see: Add List Price from SYSPRO to Item Data and ability to see it in Console



Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Options Tab

Use the Options tab to customize the Item's presentation, availability, and shipping options.



The Options tab contains the following sections:

Options Information
Highlight Item Indicates whether an Item appears in the Hot Buys and/or Featured Items sections of the online catalog.
PDF Location Saves a web address indicating the location of an informational PDF file. This can provide additional information about the Item and can be downloaded by the visitor.
Item Quantity Levels Indicates whether the Site can sell more Items than are available in the current inventory in SYSPRO. The section also allows for an optional Inventory Buffer used to offset the actual quantity by a value.
Item Shipping Defaults Identifies an Item as oversized and/or requiring insurance for shipping.

When either option is selected, an online order containing the Item does not calculate shipping during the checkout process. A read-only field from SYSPRO displays the Item's mass and volume.

This section also allows you to set an Item to ship from the warehouse designated in SYSPRO's warehouse to use.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Messages Tab

The Messages tab in "Item Maintenance" allows you to customize On Hand and Lead Time Messages, as well as a custom shipping timeline for an Item. These customizations override the default On Hand and Lead Time Messages set in the Catalog Configuration section within the "Site Manager." You can find these default settings by going to Site Manager > Catalog Configuration > Quantity or to the sitepages.config file.



The Messages tab contains the following sections:

Messages Information
On Hand Quantity Messages

Indicates if an Item is in stock and whether there is a limited quantity. An Item is "Available" if its On Hand quantity is not zero. An Item is "Limited" if the Item has been configured to "Limit Item to available inventory" on the Options tab.
The "Use Custom On Hand Quantity Message" checkbox indicates that this Item uses a custom On Hand quantity message. Specify your desired messages.             


Use the Replacement Tags [QTY] and [UOM] within your messages to display the inventory quantity (determined using the On Hand Quantity Basis as setup in the Management Console in Site ManagerCatalog Configuration), and the unit of measure.

For example: "[QTY] [UOM] In Stock" might render as "1,234 EA In Stock" using the unallocated quantity as a basis.

Alternatively, a fixed message text could also be used which would not present actual inventory quantity.

For example: "Out of Stock".


Lead Time Message

Provides the option to display an estimated shipping timeline. The "Use Custom Lead Time Message" checkbox indicates that this Item uses a custom lead time message. Specify your desired messages.

In the "Lead Time Padding" section, specify the percent to use to calculate the upper lead time value. Example: If an Item's lead time is 5 days and Lead Time Padding is 2 then the range is 5 to 7 days.


This calculation does not take into account the Site wide minimum Lead Time or Minimum Padding.

Use the Replacement Tag [LEADTIME] within your messages to display the lead time range (e.g., Approx. Ship Date: [LEADTIME] ).

Ship Date Provides space to enter the number of days until an Item ships. This can be displayed in the Shopping Cart line details.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

Item Grid Action Buttons

Beyond the "Approved" column on the "Item Maintenance" grid, there are up to 5 special action Edit buttons for each Item. If you click on any of these buttons, a screen pops up. You can then make changes for each Item with respect to the topic listed in the title of that column.




Use the respective Edit button to make changes to:

Removing Item Data

To remove an Item and all of the information about it, click on the Delete button within the grid.